As a charity, we depend on the on-going support of the fantastic individuals, groups and companies who enable us to continue our work empowering young people. There are lots of different ways you can support our work.

The Greater Midrand Youth Council (GMYC) is an umbrella organisation that supports youth clubs and organisations throughout Johannesburg Region. GMYC inspires and empowers today's young people to have a say and be heard, giving them the skills and opportunities to become the leaders of tomorrow. The main role of GMYC is to deliver and facilitate youth development initiatives In Midrand. As an umbrella body, GMYC ensures that its affiliate’s implements developmental programs. The main role of the GMYC is to ensure that youth development happens in Midrand.
The organisations GMYC envisages an integrated ,holistic and sustainable youth development, conscious of the historical imbalances and current realities ,to build a non-sexist, non-racist , democratic South Africa which young people and their organization not only enjoy and contribute to their full potential in the social, economic and political sphere of life but also to recognize and develop their responsibilities to build a better life for all.
The GMYC operates from Lord Khanyile youth centre which serves as its headquarters. The centre serve as the operational facility for activities /programs/Projects of GMYC’s mission is to be the centre of Information that Unites, facilities and co-ordinates youth development in a reliable and professional manner through member-organisations. As the GMYC manager the facility it is Responsible to appoint personnel to administer the facility on daily basis. The Greater Midrand Youth Council (GMYC) is an umbrella organisation that supports youth clubs groups and small organisations throughout Midrand. GMYC support young people to get involved in their communities and democracy, locally, Provencal and nationally, making a difference as volunteers, campaigners, decision-makers and leaders

By becoming a member of GMYC young people within your organisation can come together with others across the Midrand. GMYC empowers this unique coalition to use their powerful collective voice to make a difference and to influence decisions - locally, provincially and nationally.

“To be a Centre of information that unites, facilitates and co-ordinate youth development in a reliable and professional manner through member-organizations”