become a member
Skills development. This program is aimed at providing young people with skills that will help them gain access to economic opportunities
Moral regeneration. To ensure that young people are at the center of programs aimed at regenerating the moral fibre of society
Health promotion. To promote healthy lifestyles among young people
Economic development. To encourage youth to create wealth in their communities
Sport and recreation. To encourage mass youth participation in sporting activities
Social crime prevention. Encourage youth to create safer communities
Arts, culture and heritage. To encourage young people to partake in cultural activities and to keep young people creatively occupied
Science and technology. To assist young people in exploring the potential for technology in advancing youth development activities
Environment and tourism. Encourage youth to be environment friendly and promote tourism
By becoming a member of GMYC young people within your organisation can come together with others across the Midrand. GMYC empowers this unique coalition to use their powerful collective voice to make a difference and to influence decisions - locally, provincially and nationally.
The Midrand Youth Council (GMYC) inspires and empowers today's young people to have a say and be heard, giving them the skills and opportunities to become the leaders of tomorrow.
We support young people to get involved in their communities and democracy, locally, provincially and nationally, making a difference as volunteers, campaigners, decision-makers and leaders
How to become a member of a youth council?
You have to be between the ages of 13 and 35 years.
You must belong to a youth group or organisation
Your structure must be fill-in and submit a membership form of youth council
Why must we take- part and support the youth council?
As a young person and philanthropist participating in the youth council you get to champion issues of the youth in the immediate community. Youth councils are there to lobby and advocate for the development changes:
We build platform for youth leadership development
We open doors for youth business development
We fund-raise for youth sponsorship programs
participate in skill development opportunities for the youth
As a charity, we depend on the on-going support of the fantastic individuals, groups and companies who enable us to continue our work empowering young people.
Any amount of money you donate, gifts in kind, time or sponsorship will help us to give young people across the Midrand - whoever they are, and wherever they're from – the chance to have a say on the issues affecting their lives.